Element IV

Universal Access (29 CFR §38.54(d)(1)(vi))


The state has communicated the obligation of recipients (including, e.g., LWDBs, one-stop operators and service providers) to make efforts (including outreach) to broaden the composition pool of those considered for participation or employment in their programs or activities in an effort to include members of both sexes, of the various racial and ethnic groups and of various age groups, as well as individuals with disabilities.  (See 29 CFR §38.42) 

DWS partners with a number of agencies to provide employment and training services to Utah citizens.  Partners include Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (assisting individuals with disabilities), Aging and Adult Services and the State Board of Education (adult education and literacy programs). One example of a program provided through partnership agreements is the Choose to Work program, with the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation.  

Choose to Work (CTW) is a partnership between the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) and the department. The purpose of this program is to meet the expanding needs of Utah employers by providing them with qualified and job-ready individuals.

CTW employment specialists provide statewide job readiness, development and placement services to Utah job seekers with disabilities, offering them meaningful employment opportunities. The Choose to Work specialists also educate employers to demystify hiring employees with disabilities, provide information about accommodations as needed and educate on the tax credits available.

During state FY2015, 350 job seekers were served by the CTW program with nearly 70% obtaining employment. 

It is important to note, effective October 1, 2016, USOR will be fully transitioned as part of DWS.  The Utah Legislature approved this bill during the last session.  Having USOR as part of the agency will enhance the abilities of both agencies to provide seamless service for the customers/clients they both serve. 

Members of DWS’ Workforce Development Division have historically worked closely with the executive director and committee members of the Governor’s Committee on Employment of Persons with Disabilities.  The executive director of the committee stated, “DWS continues to be more involved with employment and training activities geared toward persons with disabilities.  We are learning more about business and employment and DWS is learning more about disability, relative to employment.  Having USOR as part of DWS only strengthens this partnership. It is definitely a win-win situation.”