Economic Data for Employers

We provide tools to help employers understand Utah's economy and make data-driven decisions. The following are links most relevant to employers. For a full list of data available, visit our economic data page.

Compare Your Wages to Utah Averages (WOOD Tool)

Access data wage rates by occupation and region.

Find Employers in Your Area by Industry (FirmFind)

List of employers and their address, phone number, and employment range.

Estimate the Number of Job Seekers in Your Area

See monthly count of active job seekers in the DWS system.

Compare County Labor
Force Profiles

County profile which provides information on age, education, commuting patterns, wages and more.

See Current Unemployment and Employment Data

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment and unemployment data updated by monthly surveys.

Track Quarterly Economic Performance Data

Economic profile of employment, unemployment, wage, construction and taxable sales data.

See Projected Employment Growth by Industry

Ten year growth projections for Utah industries.

Search Detailed
Industry Data

Employment, wage, payroll, and establishment data.

Explore Other Labor Market Information Websites

Access additional resources to aid your company.