Grant Reimbursement Process
All State Community Services Office contracts/grants are administered on a cost reimbursement basis. Expenditures must actually be incurred by the Grantee/Contractor before being submitted for reimbursement-advances are not permitted.
All claims for reimbursement must be submitted online using the Web Grants system. The URL for the Web Grants is
There are two methods for drawing funds:
RFF-LITE Program:
For those agencies approved for the RFF-LITE program, simply attach a transaction detail report showing current period expenditures under the particular award, along with an Expense Summary which reconciles the amounts from the transaction detail report to the budget line items on the claim form in the Web Grants system. For more information please click here.
Paper Form:
For agencies not approved for the RFF-LITE program, complete the request for funds component in the Web Grants system, add a note in the "Comments" component stating that documentation will be mailed to SCSO, print, sign and date the claim form and send to State Community Services Office at 1385 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115-- Attention SCSO Program Specialist--along with copies of a financial report or schedule listing all specific expenditures for which reimbursement is requested, copies of checks, and copies of other supporting documentation including vendor invoices, payroll reports, etc.
For more information about Reimbursements and the Financial Management System requirements please contact Douglas Lee at phone: (801) 468-0113 or
Pema Chagzoetsang at phone: (801) 468-0149.