Rural Pre-Development Grants for Project Development

Grant Title: Rural Pre-Development Grants for Project Development
Solicitation#: 25-DWS-S012
Funding Source: Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund
Application Deadline: November 15, 2024, 12:00 PM MST. Proposals must be received no later than 12:00 PM. Proposals received after 12:00 PM will not be accepted. Proposals may not be faxed or emailed. Grant Application Cover
Anticipated Start Date: April 2025
Anticipated End Date: June 2026
Contact Information: Program Specialist: Claire Harrison, or DWS Contract Analyst: Sophie Norvell


The Division of Housing and Community Development is providing one-time funding for rural pre-development grants. Grant funds may be used by non-profits or for-profits for offsetting the pre-development funds needed to prepare for the construction of low-income multifamily housing units in rural, remote Utah. Pre-development grants of up to $50,000 may be awarded in rural areas, and priority will be awarded to projects based on underdeveloped infrastructure as defined in Utah Code §35A-8-507.5 (4).

Pre-Development Grant Approved Funding Uses:

  1. To offset predevelopment funds needed to prepare for the construction of low-income housing units, including legal, building permits, architectural fees, engineering fees, environmental studies, appraisal, market studies, surveys and loan/grant application packaging.
  2. Value packaging, value engineering.
  3. Other uses as preapproved by the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund staff or Board.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be considered eligible for this grant, an organization shall meet the following requirements: 

  1. Non-profit or for-profit entities must be preparing to construct low-income housing units
  2. Development projects proposed for pre-development grant funds must be in relation to a project in: 
    1. a city of the fifth or sixth class, or a town, in a rural area of the state; or 
    2. any municipality or unincorporated area in a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class.
  3. An eligible development project must meet the eligibility guidelines of the OWHLF Program Guidance and Rules


Questions & Answers

Any questions submitted to Link to Submit Questions will be posted online here.