Teen Afterschool Prevention
Grant Title: | Teen Afterschool Prevention |
Solicitation #: | 23-DWS-S002 |
Funding Source: | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
Letter of Intent Deadline: | May 13, 2022, Letter of Intent |
Application Deadline: | May 27, 2022: Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM. Proposals received after 5:00 PM will not be accepted. Proposals may not be faxed. |
Program Start Date: | July 1, 2022 |
Program End Date: | June 30, 2025 |
Pre-Proposal Meeting: | May 10, 2022 12:00-2:00 PM Recorded Meeting |
Contact Information: | Contract Owner: Lori Birrell, loribirrell@utah.gov, 385-379-7447 Contract Analyst: Amy Lowe, alowe@utah.gov, 801-526-4313 |
The Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care (DWS, OCC) supports Purpose 3 of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), through funding youth (13 - 18) out-of-school time (OST) programs throughout the State of Utah. DWS, OCC TANF grants are designed to support quality programming for teens using an evidence-based, nationally recognized Social Emotional Learning (SEL) or Pregnancy Prevention curriculum and risk factor reduction strategies. Research has shown that high quality afterschool programs increase prevention awareness and reduce risky or adverse behaviors. Program participants will demonstrate an increase in protective behaviors and attitudes and a decrease in risky behaviors and attitudes that research has shown correlate with the prevention and reduction of incidences of out-of-wedlock pregnancies including teen pregnancy.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered eligible for this grant, an organization shall
- Provide a regular, formally supervised afterschool program for Youth ages 13 – 18;
- Already be in operation and meeting quality standards as described in Utah Administrative Code R277-715-3;
- Operate a minimum of 32 weeks during the school year;
- Operate program four days a week with active programming from bell dismissal to at least 5:30;
- Enroll at least 30 youth; with at least 40 percent of youth enrolled eligible for free or reduced price lunch;
- Maintain a minimum Average Daily Attendance (ADA) of 15;
- Maintain a staff to student ratio of, at most, 1:15;
- Allow all youth to attend all hours of programming each week;
- Ensure compliance with the Department of Health, Child Care Licensing (DOH, CCL) requirements by:
- Completing and keeping current all fingerprinting and background checks (Attachment H – Background Check Policy);
- Maintaining the Registered Teen Program, Exempt Active or DWS Approved, Exempt School Age status given to continue to receive any DWS funds from this grant; and
- Provide programming with a balance of academic and enrichment activities;
- Use program curriculum, partnership, or model, shown to increase protective factors in youth.
- If Grantee chooses to discontinue or switch program curriculum, partnership, or model detailed in grant application (Appendix E- Program Concentrations and SMART Goals), the Grantee must submit a request for change to the DWS, OCC, prior to implementation.
- Parent permission forms must be utilized specific to all participation relevant to TANF purpose 3.
- Offer a sliding fee scale,
- Youth who qualify for free lunch must have all fees related to programming waived. This includes participation fees, partnering club fees, and any other fees related to full and equal access to all program related offerings.
- Youth who qualify for reduced lunch must be offered a sliding fee scale; the sliding fee scale must include participation fees, partnering club fees, and any other fees related to full and equal access to all program-related offerings.
Who May Apply
The Teen Afterschool Prevention (TAP) Grant is a competitive grant offered to Registered Teen Program, Exempt Active or DWS Approved, Exempt School Age youth programs, serving ages 13-18 yrs. The following programs are not eligible for this grant: Organizations that are Licensed Centers or those that are not active in Child Care Licensing.
- Teen Afterschool Prevention Grant RFGA
- Appendix A – Grant Application Cover Sheet (Attach all required documents to this link to submit the application)
- Appendix B - Grant Application Narrative
- Appendix C - Budget Narrative and Itemization Form
- Appendix D - FFATA Certification by Subrecipients (not required for State Agencies and Component Units of the State)
- Appendix E – Program Concentrations and SMART Goals (Updated 05/09/22)
- Appendix F - Program Site Information Form (one form per site included in the application)
- Appendix E - Program Concentration and SMART Goals has been updated to a fillable format as of 5/9/2022.
Questions & Answers
- Questions requesting clarification or interpretation of any section of this RFGA must be submitted here
- Frequently Asked Questions