2009 Annual Report of Labor Market Information
Complete Publication
Utah's Economy
Utah's Largest Employers
Employees on Nonagricultural Payrolls
1. Utah Civilian Labor Force and Components, by Month, 2009 - (excel format)
2. Employees on Nonagricultural Payrolls in Utah, by NAICS Sector and Month, 2009 - (excel format )
3. Employment Status of Utah’s Civilian Noninstitutional Population by Sex and Age, 2009 - (excel format )
Utah Nonagricultural Payroll Data, 2009
4. Summary of Utah Nonagricultural Payroll Employment, Wages and Establishments, by NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
5. Utah Nonagricultural Payroll Employment, Wages and Establishments, by NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
6. Hours and Earnings of Production or Nonsupervisory Workers in Utah Industries, 2009 - (excel format )
County Data, 2009
7. Utah Civilian Labor Force Employed and Unemployed by County, 2009 - (excel format )
8. Business Births and Deaths Statewide by NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
9. Nonagricultural Payroll Employment in Utah, by County and NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format)
10. Employees on Nonagricultural Payrolls in Utah, by County and Month, 2009 - (excel format )
11. Nonagricultural Payroll Wages in Utah, by County and NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
12. Nonagricultural Payroll Wages in Utah, by County and Quarter, 2009 -(excel format)
13.Average Monthly Nonagricultural Payroll Wage in Utah, by County and NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
14. Average Monthly Nonagricultural Payroll Wage in Utah, by County and Quarter, 2009 - (excel format)
15. First Quarter Establishments in Utah, by County and NAICS Sector, 2009 - (excel format )
16. Utah Establishments, Employment and Wages, by Firm Size and NAICS Sector, First Quarter 2009 - (excel format )
17. Utah Establishments and Employment by Average Monthly Wage, First Quarter 2009 - (excel format )
Nonagricultural Employment and Wages in Utah by Community, 2009
18. Nonagricultural Employment and Wages in Utah by Community, 2009
(excel format cc, dc, ot, sl, uc, wc )
(pdf format cc, dc, ot, sl, uc, wc )
Maps (These correspond with Table 18)
Historical Series
19. Employment, Wages and Establishments in Utah, By NAICS Sector, 1994-2009 - (excel format )
20. Employees on Nonagricultural Payrolls in Utah, by County 2005-2009 - (excel format )
21. Nonagricultural Payroll Wages in Utah, by County 2005-2009 - (excel format )
22. Average Monthly Nonagricultural Payroll Wages in Utah, by County 2005-2009 - (excel format )
23. First Quarter Establishments in Utah, by County 2005-2009 - (excel format )
24. Nonagricultural Employment by Community 1999-2009 - (excel format )
25. Nonagricultural Employment in Selected Rural Cities in Utah, 2005-2009 - (excel format )
26. Utah Civilian Labor Force and Components, 1950-2009 - (excel format )
27. Utah Nonagricultural Payroll Employment by NAICS Sector, 1992-2009 - (excel format)
28. Utah Civilian Labor Force in Utah, by County, 2005-2009 - (excel format)
29. Total Employment in Utah, by County, 2005-2009 - (excel format )
30. Unemployment in Utah, by County, 2005-2009 -(excel format )
31. Unemployment Rate in Utah, by County, 2005-2009 - (excel format )
32. 2009 Average Annual Summary of Utah Employment Dynamics Indicators - (excel format )
33. Utah Private Sector Gives Job Gains and Job Losses at Establishments by Quarter 1994 - 2009, Seasonaly Adjusted - (excel format )
Chart 6. Percentage of March Employment and Establishments, First Quarter 2009
Chart 7. Percent Change in Nonagricultural Employment 2008 - 2009 in Selected Metro Citites
Chart 8. Percent Change in Nonagricultural Employment: 2008 - 2009 Selected Nonmetropolitan Counties