Labor Market Data

Header: Workforce Advantage
Businesses who use qualitative and quantitative data are well equipped to optimize current performance and resources as they create sustainable growth plans. More...

Serving Utah's veterans

Each September our Veterans Services staff and other department leadership gather for the annual Veterans Training Conference to help them identify the best ways they can help veterans transition into the civilian workforce.

This year they met at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, UT and recognized five individuals who went above and beyond to serve veterans, military members and spouses who came into their offices seeking help. We’re proud of the way our staff members have served veterans in need. Read more about their efforts below. More...

Utah's Employment Summary: August 2023

SALT LAKE CITY (Sept. 15, 2023) — Utah’s nonfarm payroll employment for August 2023 increased an estimated 2.5% across the past 12 months, with the state’s economy adding a cumulative 41,400 jobs since August 2022. Utah’s current job count stands at 1,725,100.

August’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is estimated at 2.5%, a one-tenth of one percentage-point increase. Approximately 45,800 Utahns are unemployed. Utah’s July unemployment rate is unrevised at 2.4%. The August national unemployment rate moved up three-tenths of a percentage point to 3.8%. More...