Educating the Future Generation

Apprenticeship insights. Apprenticeship Utah.
Commissioner's Corner.
Photo of Utah's Commissioner on Apprenticeships Melisa Stark.Teacher Appreciation Week was May 8-12, 2023. Teachers are called many things: educators, mentors, instructors, etc. No matter what they are called, we can all agree they truly have an influence on lives both inside and outside of the classroom. Everyone can recall at least one teacher, if not more, who has profoundly impacted their life. Teachers are the rock stars of education and work tirelessly to enrich the lives of the next generation. More...

State Workforce Development Board

Header: Workforce Advantage
Utah Home Logo. It's the outline of the state. The top part is a golden yellow cascading over a dark blue mountain range with a white circle behind it like the sun rising or setting. The bottom part says UTAH HOME in big block letters.Earlier this year, Gov. Cox released the Utah Home plan, outlining his priorities for Utah. The three guiding pillars of the plan are People, Growth and Good Government. Some of the priorities include:
  • Education and learning
  • Expanding opportunities
  • The economic future of rural Utah
  • Customer service More...