Services for Afterschool Providers
The Office of Child Care provides the following services for Afterschool Providers:
Training and Support:
We provide support for organizations and communities to complete a community needs assessment for school-age care. We also provide training, workshops and conferences for school-age caregivers to improve the quality of care.
Afterschool grants are available to organizations offering programs to youth during out of school time that focus on prevention components our office identifies. Programs that can receive grants include private for-profit, private non-profit and public entities. We provide funding, as available, for program development and improvement, training, and self-evaluation of program.
Community Collaboration:
We gather ongoing community input through the use of discussion groups, taskforces, and participation on a variety of school-age related programs and projects. We also provide community education to develop public awareness of the need to provide school-age children with appropriate out of school time activities. In addition, we collaborate with a range of state and community organizations to address the needs of school-age children throughout the state.
Gather Information:
We collect and maintain information on afterschool programs available throughout the state.
Other Resources:
- Office of Child Care Grant Opportunities
- Care About Childcare Contact Information
- Afterschool Grant and Contract Forms
- Utah Afterschool Network
- Utah Education Network
- The SEDL National Center for Quality Afterschool
- Out-of-School Time Cost Calculator
- Harvard Family Research Project Out-of-School Time Publications & Resources
- Lights On! Afterschool