Navigate Your Career Pathway
There are many resources for early learning and youth professionals to explore and navigate their career pathway. Below are some resources to help you navigate your personal career pathway in the early childhood field.

T.E.A.C.H. National Career Pathways
The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood National Center has created a Careers in Early Childhood National Directory that showcases the many different employment opportunities in the early care and education field.
Careers in Early Childhood - A National Directory
NAEYC Power to the Profession
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)’s Power to the Profession’s vision is that “Each and every child, beginning at birth, has the opportunity to benefit from high-quality early childhood education, delivered by an effective, diverse, well-prepared, and well-compensated workforce.” Power to the Profession was established as a national collaboration to define the early childhood education profession, birth through age 8, across states and settings, by establishing a framework for career pathways knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards, accountability supports and compensation to define the early childhood education profession.
Power to the Profession Information
Utah Early Childhood Conference Session: Professional Pathways
This presentation from the 2024 Early Childhood Conference outlines resources available through the state of Utah and other stakeholders to help professionals advance on their personal career pathway.
Contact Us
For questions, please contact your regional Care About Childcare agency or the Utah Registry for Professional Development.