Basic Information for SNAP (Food Stamps) Applicants
You may be eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) but you need to talk to an eligibility specialist about your eligibility.
- You are encouraged to apply for SNAP today.
- Benefits start with the day of application.
- Apply online at
- You may also apply at an employment center, or we can mail an application to you, however you may lose benefits due to mailing delays.
- No documents are needed to file an application.
- You may be eligible for expedited service (receiving SNAP within seven (7) calendar days).
- Identity is the only verification you need if you are eligible for expedited SNAP.
- You may turn in an incomplete application as long as it has your name, address and signature. However, the entire application must be completed in order for your eligibility for SNAP to be determined.
What SNAP Offers
SNAP offers nutrition assistance to buy healthy food.
Most households must spend some of their own cash along with their SNAP benefits to buy the food they need.
If there is a pregnant woman or a child five years old or younger in your home, the Women, Infant, Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC) may also be able to help with food and teaching about nutrition. Call your local Health Department, or go to this link WIC to find out more.
The amount of SNAP a household receives per month is called an allotment. The allotment is based on the number of people in the household and the amount of money the household earns each month.
If you have already applied for or are receiving SNAP, you can sign up or log in to myCase to get information, recertify and manage your benefits.