1104 DWS Facility access and behavioral Expectation policy

Status: Active
Policy Effective: February 1, 2025 
Revised Date: February 1, 2025
Approved by: Direct Reports
Next Review: February 2026
Reviewed Dates: January 2025
Last Reviewed by: Christina Davis

Purpose & Background:

Department of Workforce Services facilities are dedicated to the Department's mission to connect the workforce to new opportunities and provide services to individuals and families in need.  Customer, visitors, and staff are expected to respect the rights of others and to adhere to the following policies so that all Department customers can access opportunities and services in a professional and supportive environment.

This policy is intended to guide Department staff in ensuring appropriate public access to Department services, while ensuring customer confidentiality and the security and safety of customers and employees.  Customer, visitors, and employees are responsible to ensure they, and any child accompanied by them, adhere to this policy.

Department of Workforces Services facilities are state-owned facilities and facility use is subject to rules of the Utah Department of Administrative Services (Utah Administrative Code R23-19 and R23-20).


  • Unless otherwise posted, Department of Workforce Services facilities public access areas are free and open to individuals seeking Department services and others who have business with the Department.
  • Show courtesy and respect to others by using voice, behavior, and personal hygiene that will not disturb others, by respecting other's privacy, by complying with posted signs, and by cooperating with Department and Security staff.
  • Treat Department materials, equipment, furniture, grounds, and facilities in a safe and appropriate manner.
    • Customers may use public-use computers to access case information, for job search activities, for other business related to Department services, or as permitted by Department staff.
    • Customers may use other equipment such as copiers, phones, and fax machines only as allowed by the specific facility and pursuant to posted rules.
  • Due to the private nature of the services provided by the Department, filming, recording, or taking photographs of public access areas of Department of Workforce Services facilities is limited.
    • Excluding surveillance cameras used by the Department for security purposes, no Department customer shall be photographed without the customer's consent.
      • Children shall not be filmed or photographed without consent of the parent or guardian.
    • Anyone found filming, recording, or taking photographs of Department customers without consent will be asked to leave the facility and future access to Department facilities may be restricted in accordance with this policy.
    • Filming in such a way that it interferes with an employee's performance of their duties or otherwise disrupts the business of the Department is prohibited.
    • Individuals seeking to film, record, or photograph in a non-public area of a Department facility must contact the Department's Communications Division to schedule time to film, record, or photograph within Department facilities.
  • Obey all federal, state, city, and county laws and ordinances including, but not limited to, The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act which prohibits smoking in public buildings (UCA 26).
  • Service animals are welcome in Department facilities.  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks that are directly related to a person's disability.  Service animals perform functions or tasks that a person with a disability cannot perform for him or herself.
    • Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support or therapy do not fall within the ADA definition above.  Support animals are generally not allowed in Department facilities; however, a customer may request to bring a support animal by submitting an accommodation request.
  • Disruptive or violent behavior is prohibited in department facilities.  Those who impede business operations or interfere with the rights of other Department customers or staff may be subject to one or more of the following consequences:
    • Restriction of access to Department facilities for a specified period of time under DWS Administrative Policy 1402.
    • Notification of the appropriate law enforcement agency, which may result in subsequent arrest and prosecution.
    • Liability for damages to public property or injuries to the public or Department staff.
  • In general, minors should be accompanied by a parent or leagal guardian.  Parents or legal guardians are fully responsible for the safety, security, and monitoring of their children while on Department property.
    • If a child under 12 is left alone in a Department facility without a responsible adult, law enforcement may be called.
    • An unaccompanied minor who is not following this policy may be asked to leave and not return unless supervised by a responsible  adult.
    • Unattended children remaining in a Department facility 15 minutes after emergency or regular closing are considered potentially unsafe and law enforcement may be called for the protection of the child.