State Rehabilitation Council
Council Meetings
The mission of the State Rehabilitation Council, in partnership with the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation and in collaboration with disability groups, is to ensure quality vocational rehabilitation services for eligible individuals as they make informed choices to achieve employment. This mission is accomplished by reviewing programs, analyzing service delivery processes, and advising on policies and procedures.
The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is composed of consumers, professionals, business, industry, labor representatives, parent advocates, and service providers who collectively counsel the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program. The SRC serves as a link between the community and the Vocational Rehabilitation Program to ensure the provision of quality services to eligible consumers.
Section 105(b)(1) of the Rehabilitation Act as Amended, requires that membership must consist of a majority of individuals with disabilities and must include a representative from the Utah Statewide Independent Living Council, The Utah Parent Center, the Client Assistance Program, a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Community Rehabilitation Program service provider, business, industry, and labor representation, representative of the State Educational Agency, representatives from the State Workforce Services Council, representation of advocacy groups of a cross section of individuals with disabilities, current or former applicants for, or recipients of vocational rehabilitation services.
SRC membership must be large enough to serve its purposes, but must have a minimum of 15 members. Current membership includes a representative from other USOR Program Advisory Councils, including the Blind and Visually Impaired Advisory Council and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Council.
We're looking for new members! View the Membership Nomination and Application Packet.
SRC Roles and Responsibilities
The major roles and responsibilities of the Council as required by law are to review, analyze, and advise the USOR Vocational Rehabilitation program regarding eligibility (including Order of Selection) to the extent, scope and effectiveness of services provided and that the functions performed by the Agency that affects the ability of individuals with disabilities to achieve an employment outcome.
The Utah State Rehabilitation Council believes that individuals with disabilities should be full and active partners in the VR process. The Council seeks to work cooperatively with the state VR agency to ensure that the activities of the VR program are carried out in a manner that is respectful of an individual’s dignity and recognizes an individual’s right to informed choice.
Annual Reports
Contact the State Rehabilitation Council:
1595 W 500 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
To send an email, contact Sylvia Gines at