Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund

Related Links

HUD Programs and Services

Get Connected to 2-1-1 Information and Referral Program

Associations of Government

Counties and Contacts provides information for assistance with single family rehabilitations and self help applications located outside of the Wasatch Front. Please contact one of the associations of government listed.

Energy Star Homes

Energy Star qualified homes reduce long-term utility costs by an average of 30% over conventional homes.

Utah Foreclosure Prevention

*If you feel that you have been a victim of predatory lending, you may contact the Better Business Bureau.

Fair Housing: It's Your Right

Utah Labor Commission Housing Discrimination

Under the Utah and Federal Fair Housing Acts, you have the right to rent, purchase or finance housing without discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status (families with children under 18) disability, or source of income (state, local or federal government assistance, including housing assistance.) CONTACT: Anti-discrimination and Labor Division - 800-222-1238 or www.laborcommission.utah.gov.

Landlord Problems?

  • Utah Labor Commission (Housing Discrimination) - 801-530-6801
  • Salt Lake Community Action Program
    764 South 200 West
    Salt Lake City UT 84101
    Telephone - 801-359-2444

Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund partners with ENERGY STAR