Environmental Review


As part of the Department of Workforce Services, the Housing and Community Development Division (HCDD) provides funding for a variety of projects such as; fire trucks, food banks, low income housing, senior centers, homeless shelters, community centers, housing rehabilitation and infrastructure projects. All grant and loan recipients are required to complete the HUD environmental review process if their project/activity is funded in whole or part with HUD dollars. This web page provides the resources needed to complete the appropriate review.

The HUD environmental review process is regulated by the Code of Federal Regulations found at 24 CFR Part 58. The size/scope of the environmental review required depends on the size and nature of the project and the HUD program that is funding the project. The following programs are funded by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and administered by the Housing & Community Development Division.

  • Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
  • Housing Opportunities for People with Aids (HOPWA)
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Environmental Regulations

There are two groups of laws, policies and regulations that must be addressed in order to comply with 24 CFR Part 58:

1) NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40CFR Parts 1500-1508) This law established a national policy, goals and procedures for protecting, restoring and enhancing environmental quality.

2) Related Federal Laws and Authorities (24 CFR 58.5) These laws include the following:

  1. Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials– CERCLIS
  2. Historic Properties
  3. Floodplains Management
  4. Wetlands Protection
  5. Coastal Barriers (Not Applicable in Utah)
  6. Sole Source Aquifers
  7. Endangered Species Act
  8. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
  9. Air Quality (Lead Based Paint & Asbestos)
  10. Farmland Protections Policy Act
  11. Environmental Justice
  12. Environmental Standards
    • a. Noise Abatement and Control
    • b. Hazardous Operations (above ground storage tanks)
    • c. Airport Clear Zones & Accident Potential Zones

Preparing the Environmental Review Record (ERR)

Project managers should begin by first determining whether or not their project involves HUD funding. If so, they must complete the online environmental review process found at the link below:


This review must be completed and submitted electronically through the WebGrants system and must be approved prior to the recipient committing funds to the project.

Project managers must register as users in the WebGrants system in order to begin the environmental review process. The link above, along with the checklist instructions and other resources provided on this web page, will guide project managers through the HUD environmental review process. Additional information is available by calling Brandon C. Clark, PhD, HCD Environmental Review Specialist, at 385-566-7595.