Permanent Community Impact Fund Board

The Permanent Community Impact Fund Board provides loans and grants to counties, cities and towns that are impacted by mineral resource development on federal lands. Because local communities cannot collect taxes from federal lands, their ability to provide necessities like roads, municipal buildings, water and sewer service is diminished. To reduce that burden, a portion of the federal lease fees are returned to the Community Impact Board to distribute to the impacted communities.

Funding Flowchart

Community Impact Fund Distribution FY2024

Upcoming Deadlines 

Board Meeting Agendas


Trimester Application Deadline Review Meetings Funding Meetings
First June 1 July, August, September October
Second October 1 November, December, January February
Third February 1 March, April, May June

Application Information

  • Application Deadline for the 1st Trimester FY2026, June 2, 2026 by 5 p.m.
  • 2nd Trimester FY2026, October 1, 2025 by 5 p.m.
  • Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on application deadline. Applications (and requests for reimbursements) should be emailed to The CIB application form should be submitted in Word format. All other components should be attached to the email separately; i.e. description, cost estimate, capital improvement list, public hearing minutes, AOG comments, Affordable Housing Plan statement, DEQ supplemental (water and sewer projects), road addendum (street & road projects), page of CIB application list with project listed and SHPO information if applicable. See signature page of CIB application.
  • CIB Program Summary & Application Instructions
  • CIB Application (Nov 2024) New applications will be submitted on the most current application form.
  • Large Infrastructure Application ADDENDUM (January 2022 ~ Funding requests over $5,000,000.)
  • DEQ Form - Water and Sewer Projects form must be completed and submitted to DEQ.
  • Streets & Roads addendum - Must be submitted with application :
  • Small Planning Grant Guidelines - follow these instructions for all CIB planning grants asking $50,000 or under.
  • New applications must be received by the CIB Staff prior to 5:00 pm on the applicable deadline.
  • A copy of the application should be sent to the applicable Association of Governments (AOG).
  • The CIB's staff will review all new applications for completeness. Incomplete applications will be held pending submission of required information.
  • Applications from ineligible applicants or applications for ineligible projects will not be accepted by the CIB’s staff and the applicant will be notified of the ineligibility.
  • Complete applications accepted for processing will be placed on one of the Trimester’s upcoming Project Review Meeting agendas.

Program Overview

The Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB) is a program of the state of Utah which provides loans and/or grants to state agencies and subdivisions of the state which are or may be socially or economically impacted, directly or indirectly, by mineral resource development on federal lands.  The source of the CIB's funding are the mineral lease royalties returned to the state by the federal government. 

(See Utah Code:Rule R990-8)

Rule R990-8 Changes Pending

The CIB will consider only those applications submitted by an eligible applicant for an eligible project.

Contract terms and conditions

Applicant Eligibility

Utah state statute defines a "subdivision of the state" as being any of the following: counties, cities, towns, school districts, building authorities, special service districts, water conservancy districts, county service areas, special improvement districts, water or sewer improvement districts, and public postsecondary institutions.

Indian Tribes, individuals, corporations, associations, private non-profit organizations are not eligible for financing from the CIB.

Project Eligibility

Utah state statute authorizes the CIB to fund the following types of activities: planning, construction and maintenance of public facilities, and provision of public services.

CASI - Applicant has completed a Capital Asset Self-Inventory (*CASI has been required since FY2023) or equivalent prior to inclusion on the County's CIB application list.

The CIB's administrative rules further define "public facilities and services" to mean public infrastructure traditionally provided by governmental entities.

Funding Guidelines

  • Planning, study or design requests require a fifty percent cash contribution from the applicant.
  • Applicants cannot count the use of in-kind funds as local matching funds unless the in-kind participation has a demonstrable value, such as real property.  Donated labor or staff time cannot be counted as local matching funds.
  • CIB recommends the use of State Purchasing to assist with projects over $1,000,000.