Moratorium (Shut Off Protection)

Moratorium protects eligible households from utility shut off between November 15 and the following March 15 and requires customers to make and adhere to a payment plan. Moratorium is available only by utility companies that are regulated by the Public Service Commission (PSC).


  • Applicant must be the adult residential account holder, spouse or an adult resident.
  • Applicant must live at the address requesting moratorium.
  • Applicant must have a termination notice from the utility company or have been refused service if the utility is not active.
  • Applicant must have applied for HEAT.
  • Applicant must have applied for utility assistance through the American Red Cross (ARC) if over 60, disabled, or with a disabled child in the home. 
  • Applicant must make a good faith effort to pay utility bill consistently during the moratorium.

In addition, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Gross household income in the month prior to the month of the moratorium application qualifies the household for HEAT assistance.
  • Have suffered a medical or other emergency in either the month of application or the month prior to the month of application.
  • Loss of employment in either the month of application or the month prior to the month of application.
  • 50% drop in income in either the month of application or the month prior to the month of application.

To apply for a moratorium contact your local HEAT Office.