Local HEAT Offices

Submit HEAT Application and/or Required Documents

To submit and complete your HEAT application, please mail, email or fax ALL required documents and verifications to your local HEAT office.

Schedule an Appointment

Call your county HEAT program at the number below to schedule a HEAT appointment, or schedule an appointment online (where available) through the county links below.

Beaver 435-438-3584 Morgan 801-394-9774
Box Elder 435-723-1116 Piute 435-893-0744
Cache 435-713-1444 Rich 1-877-772-7242
Carbon 435-613-0100 Salt Lake 801-359-2444
Daggett 435-781-2021 San Juan 435-613-0100
Davis 801-394-9774 Sanpete 435-835-2831
Duchesne 435-722-5218 Sevier 435-893-0745
Emery 435-381-5783 Summit 801-229-3855
Garfield 435-438-3584 Tooele 801-359-2444
Grand 435-259-6362 Uintah 435-781-2021
Iron 435-586-0858 Utah 801-229-3855
Juab 1-888-255-9692 Wasatch 801-229-3855
Kane 435-644-3803 Washington 435-652-9643
Millard, East 435-743-4060 Wayne 435-893-0744
Millard, west 1-888-255-9692 Weber 801-394-9774
Members of Utah’s five Indian Tribes may apply at one of the offices above, or inquire at their local tribal office.

State Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Office

Utah Dept. of Workforce Services (DWS)


Local HEAT Office Web Sites

Bear River Association of Governments Serves Box Elder, Cache and Rich counties. Offices located in Logan and Perry

Mountainlands Association of Governments Serves Summit, Utah and Wasatch counties. Office located in Provo.

Five County Association of Governments Serves Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, and Washington counties. Office located in St George.

Futures Through Training Serves Davis, Morgan and Weber counties. Office located in Ogden.

Utah Community Action Program Serves Salt Lake and Tooele counties. Offices located in Salt Lake and Tooele.

R6 Regional Council Serves Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, and Wayne counties. Office located in Richfield.

Southeastern Regional Development Agency, Serves Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan counties. Offices located in Price, Emery, Moab, and Mexican Hat

Uintah Basin Association of Governments Serves Daggett, Duchesne, and Uintah counties. Offices in Vernal and Roosevelt.