Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund


Multi-Family Program

The Multi-family program provides financial assistance for the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing of five or more units.

Additional application documentation is required, but is not yet available; please contact Daniel Herbert-Voss, to obtain this information, at 385-522-0645 or email him at dhvoss@utah.gov.

Rural Single Family Home Land Revolving Loan Program

The program provides no interest, subordinated acquisition of land and/or parcel/lot development loans up to $25,000 per home for the construction of new, single-family homes in rural Utah. The homes will be owner-occupied by households earning less than or equal to 80% of the county area median income (AMI).

Rural Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Grant

This program will provide forgivable grants for the rehabilitation of single-family, owner-occupied households in rural Utah earning less than or equal to 80% of the county area median income (AMI). This new funding will supplement the funding provided for this purpose through the federal Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and the state Single Family Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program (SFRRP).

Single-Family Programs

The Single Family Rehabilitation & Reconstructions Program (SFRRP)

The program offers financial assistance to low-income home owners whose homes are in need of rehabilitation or replacement. The program targets rural communities in Utah.

To obtain more information, please contact Kathryn Halterman (use mailto function for khalterman@utah.gov), or 435-421-2675.


The Home Choice program is designed to provide financial assistance for low-income persons who Qualify as Disabled.

This program is administered through Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation.

Call with questions 435-753-1112

Equal Opportunity Employer/Program

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling 801-526-9240. Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162

For additional information, please contact Kathryn Halterman at 435-421-2675 or email at khalterman@utah.gov