Navajo Revitalization Fund


The Navajo Revitalization Fund was created to maximize the long term benefit of oil and gas severance taxes derived from lands held in trust by the Federal Government for the Navajo Nation and its members living in Utah. It is intended to promote cooperation and coordination between the state, its political subdivisions and the tribe.

Statutory Authority

The Navajo Revitalization Fund (NRF) is a program of the State of Utah authorized in Section 35A-8-1701, et seq.  The goal of the NRF is to maximize the long-term benefits of state severance taxes paid on oil and natural gas production by providing grants and/or loans to agencies of county or tribal government in San Juan County which are impacted by the development of oil and gas interests in Utah held in trust for the Navajo Nation and its members.

Board Membership

The NRF is controlled by a five-member board composed of a governor's designee, two members of the San Juan County Commission whose districts include portions of the Navajo Reservation, the chair of the Navajo Utah Commission or their designee and an annually changing rotation of a president of one of the seven chapters located in Utah or their designee.

The Housing and Community Development Division (HCD) within the Utah Department of Workforce Services (DWS) provides administrative and operational support to the NRF. Staff from the Utah Navajo Trust Fund provide local coordination and administrative support to NRF program managers.

Eligible Applicants

The NRF may authorize grants and/or loans to the Navajo Nation and its departments or divisions; any Utah Navajo Chapter, as defined in Section 35A-8-1701; the Navajo Utah Commission; Utah state agencies or subdivisions; the Utah Navajo Royalties Holding Fund; or nonprofit corporations that are or may be socially or economically impacted, directly or indirectly, by mineral resource development.

Priority Projects

  • Capital projects and infrastructure, including electrical power, water, and other one-time need projects.
  • Housing projects including purchase of new housing, construction of new housing or significant remodeling of existing housing.
  • Matching educational endowments that promote economic development; promote Navajo culture, history and language; support postsecondary educational opportunities for Navajo students.

Prohibited Activities

  • Start-up or operational costs of private business ventures. 
  • General operating budgets of the eligible entities.
  • Projects or programs operating or located outside the Navajo Reservation in San Juan County.

Funding Process

The NRF board reviews applications and authorizes funding assistance on a periodic basis. Meetings are generally held quarterly. Meeting are held virtually or in Blanding, generally at the Navajo Royalties Trust Fund Office, as determined by the board. Applications are submitted to the Housing and Community Development Division, which prepares the board agenda, including financial statements and minutes.

Funding Guidelines

Eligible applicants, please see the NRF policies and procedures for instructions and guidance on applying.

Board Meetings

Visit the internal public notice and  Utah Public Notice Website for upcoming agendas, past minutes and audio.

For the upcoming meeting agenda and packet, visit the Granicus NRF meeting portal.

  • Friday, March 21, 2025 @ 11:00 (in person - Blanding)
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025 @ 10:00 (virtual -- failed due to lack of quorum)

Approved Projects FY2024



Project Type

Number of Projects

$ Amount

Building Improvements



Housing Assistance






Utility Improvements









*Annual allocation exceeds annual revenue due to unallocated and re-allocated funds

NRF Board Members

(As of 10/8/2024)

Member Representing
Evan Curtis, Chairman Governor’s Designee
Commissioner Jamie Harvey San Juan County Commission
Commissioner Silvia Stubbs San Juan County Commission
Kenny Victor Navajo Utah Commission
Patricia Blackhorn Chapter President, Naatsis'áán Chapter

Application Materials

The following applications are joint applications with the Utah Navajo Trust Fund. Questions regarding the application should be directed to Tony Dayish:

For more information, contact Paul Moberly at 607-339-8259 or at