Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program

The HEAT Program provides year-round energy assistance for eligible low income households throughout Utah. You may qualify for HEAT when you apply for the HEAT Program. The program year begins October 1st and ends the following September 30th of each year or when federal LIHEAP funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.


  • Applications for households with disabled, elderly (age 60 and over) and young children (under the age of 6) are accepted October 1 - September 30 or when federal LIHEAP funds are exhausted.
  • Applications for the general public are processed November 1 - September 30 or when federal LIHEAP funds are exhausted.
  • Apply online if eligible.
  • Print a HEAT application and send it to your local HEAT office (address, email, and fax numbers are linked here).
  • Call the HEAT Program line at 1-866-205-4357.
  • If you need assistance applying online or emailing your HEAT application, please contact your local HEAT agency for help.

If you are in danger of shut-off, you may contact your local HEAT office for crisis assistance.

See if you're eligible.

Eligibility Requirements for HEAT Assistance:

  1. The total household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
  2. The household is responsible for paying home energy costs.
  3. The household has at least one adult (18 years of age or older or emancipated).
  4. The household contains at least one US citizen or qualified non-citizen (see section 202 and 203 of the HEAT Policy Manual.)

Necessary Documentation

  • A copy of your power, heat bills
  • Proof of ALL income received by all household members in the month prior to the month of your application
  • Proof of any eligible medical expenses, child support and alimony you paid in the month prior to the month of your application
  • Proof of disability, if applicable
  • Additional documentation, if required

For more information contact your local HEAT office.

For complete program details see HEAT Policy Manual.

To report fraud, waste, or abuse. dws_fraud@utah.gov

Auxiliary aids (accommodations) and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling (801) 526-9240. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech impairments may call Relay Utah by dialing 711.

Spanish Relay Utah: 1-888-346-3162

If you believe you have been treated unfairly by the HEAT program please call 866-205-4357 for assistance.


This website is supported by the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.