- Overview
- Emergency Food Assistance
- Homeowner Assistance Fund
- HEAT Forms
- Local HEAT Offices
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- Resources
- Earned Income Tax Credit
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- Uintah Basin Fund
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- Section 8 Landlord Incentive
Environmental Review Process
A division of Utah’s Department of Workforce Services, the Housing and Community Development Division (HCD) funds a variety of projects: fire trucks, food banks, low-income housing, senior and community centers, homeless shelters, housing rehabilitation, and infrastructure. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) supports many of these initiatives. HCD administers four HUD-funded programs: the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA), and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Recipients of HUD funds must determine their projects’ potential to harm residents and environments. The Code of Federal Regulations (24 CFR 58) outlines the environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities. A project’ s scale, location, usage, and funding source inform the review’s parameters. A properly conducted environmental review mitigates a project’s deleterious effects on the biosphere.
HCD employs a grant management platform (Web Grants 3) to administer Utah’s environmental review process. Managers of HUD-funded projects must register as WebGrants 3 users before they can electronically submit their environmental reviews for clearance. HCD’s Environmental Review Specialist will assist preparers in this process.
Brandon C. Clark, PhD
Environmental Review Specialist
Utah Department of Workforce Services
Housing and Community Development Division
385.566.7595- WebGrants Instructions
- Environmental Checklist Resources
- Public Notice Templates and Notices